Best Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon In Delhi


Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgery

 Surgeries are scary, and when it is for your child it is the scariest! You would be terrified to make your mind to take your child to a surgery, preparing for the hospital stay and going through the child recovery process. The happy news is that, there are minimally invasive approaches to treat children with surgical conditions.


Pediatric Laparoscopic surgeries are performed by makings small incisions in your child’s skin, through which the surgeon inserts small tubes with a tiny telescope to see inside and then special instruments to operate on the child.

Pediatric laparoscopic surgery in Delhi

It would be your wisest decision choosing to do a pediatric laparoscopy surgery for your child in Delhi. The best Pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi has the specialised expertise to diagnose, treat and administer your child’s surgical conditions. He has the experience in handling the children patiently and in treating the child after a thorough examination and precise diagnosis. He also uses state-of-the-art facilities and specialised equipment. Your child is treated in a very comfortable and fearless environment by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi.

Conditions treated by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi

Advanced medical technology allows many of the surgical conditions to be performed through minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. Below are few conditions treated laparoscopically –

·         Treatment of a blocked kidney

·         Ureteral re-implant to treat vesicoureteral reflux or a blocked ureter

·         Treatment of an ectopic ureter or a ureterocele

·         Treatment of an infected belly button

·         Removal of a bladder diverticulum (pocket in the bladder)

·         Removal of a nonfunctioning kidney

·         Treatment of an undescended testicle

·         Treatment of a swollen vessels in the scrotum

The procedure

The pediatric laparoscopic surgical procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. 3 – 5 small incisions are made in the abdomen, depending on the condition to be treated – close to the belly button, either side of the belly and below or above the belly button. Hollow tubes (cannulas) are inserted into the incisions to operate on the child. Initially, carbon dioxide is filled inside the abdomen to make enough space for the surgeon to operate. A tiny telescope (laparoscope) is inserted through one of the tubes, which shows your child’s inside organs on a television screen in the theater. The surgeon inserts special instruments through other tubes at the other sites to perform the surgery. Give your child in the hands of the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi, and you would have no fear and no worries.

The benefits of pediatric laparoscopic surgery for your child

Pediatric laparoscopic surgeries performed by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi are completely safe for your child. This technique has many advantages over the traditional open surgery.

·         There is no big cuts or big scars as the procedure is done through small incisions

·         This is a painless procedure as there is no big cuts

·         The healing of small incisions is faster than bigger cuts

·         No complications of incision healings

·         Quicker recovery and your child returns to his normalcy much faster

·         Less costly

Aftercare at the hospital

The aftercare given by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi is commendable. It is accompanied with a family-centered care that ensures the parents are always connected with their babies during the whole stay at the hospital. Your child will be kept in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit for about 1 – 2hours. Once the child becomes conscious, he will be kept under observation in another room. During this time, he will be given some medications through an intravenous line. At the stage where the nursing staff gives oral painkiller medications, your child is also ready to sip liquid foods. The nursing staff will encourage your child to bend up and will take him to walk around the room, soon after the procedure.  This is to help with easy breathing and stimulate blood circulation.

How do you take care of your child after pediatric laparoscopy surgery?

The wound dressing can be removed in 3 – 4 days after surgery, following consultation of the pediatric surgeon. Small strips under the big dressing should be left in their places for about 1 – 2 weeks, and until the surgeon says they can be removed off. Your child can be let to have showers and make sure the incision area is made to dry well. Give your child ample rest for the first week and make sure no heavy lifting, no sports, no bike riding or swimming until he is completely recovered. Be cautious on any unusual symptoms of rare complications and be never late to call the doctor.

Corrective surgeries with no complications for your child are an absolute possibility by consulting the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi. You need not have any hesitance in taking your child for a pediatric laparoscopic surgery in Delhi.



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