
Showing posts from May, 2024

Understanding Undescended Testis in Children

 While it might sound alarming at first, understanding this condition and its implications can ease your worries and help you take the right steps for your child’s health. One such issue that might arise is an undescended testis. As parents, we often face numerous health concerns regarding our children.  What is an Undescended Testis? An undescended testis in children , or cryptorchidism, occurs when one or both of a male  infant's  testicles fail to move into the scrotum before birth.  This   is a  common condition , affecting  about 3% of full-term and 30% of premature male infants.   Normally , the testicles develop in the abdomen and descend into the scrotum during the last few months of fetal development. When this descent  doesn’t  happen, it results in an undescended testis. Signs and Symptoms The primary indication of an undescended testis is the absence of one or both testicles in the scrotum.  During a routine newborn physical exam,  a healthcare provider can usually

Best Pediatric Urologist in Delhi - Dr. Prashant Jain

 Are you seeking the utmost care and expertise for your child's urological needs in Delhi? Look no further! Delve into the realm of pediatric urology with the finest specialists in the capital city. With a blend of advanced medical prowess, compassionate care, and a dedication to ensuring your child's well-being, Delhi's pediatric urologists stand out as beacons of excellence in the field.  Dr. Prashant Jain is the best pediatric urologists in Delhi and their exemplary skills and dedication to excellence are highlighted by his achievements as a gold medalist in both pediatric surgery and urology.his specialized expertise in  pediatric urology  and  minimal invasive surgery  indicates a keen focus on advanced and precise medical techniques for treating young patients. The opportunity to work at Great Ormond Street in London likely provided him with invaluable international experience and exposure to cutting-edge practices in his field.  With such a robust education, special